what if i dont wanna?
Ey ey, what's up .................... .................... ... krizyzone @ hotmail.com
Indie game developer
Lørenskog, Norway
Joined on 9/6/06
what if i dont wanna?
ehh... Why not?
mkay i reviewed
Lol, I didnt say "YOU MUST REVIEW"
but thanks thanks :)
mkay you have had FULL ratings so far from people so there may be a chance of front page if it remains full score O.o
WHAT?! Are you kidding?!
why dont you go check yourself, unless if somone rated it down just now, lawl XD
Oh I see.. Well, it's not that good to get front paged. I'm only an amateur.
okay never mind, somone rated it down
You can laugh, I was hoping for something here...
dude your old.....
............12 yrs old
I'm old?!
i still remain the only one to comment, now why is that?
Yeah I'm glad at least 1 want to comment
imma go tie a rope to the cealing bar, stand on a box, make a loop in the rope, poke my head through, kik the box away and see what happens, ill tell you how it went, c yaz
oh man, it's.... DONT TRY IT....
oh man, okay... What the heck were u actually doin anyway?!
Cool! I reviewed ;)
Spam my news post!
Oh Thanks! I will maps.
you wanna know what im actually doin? not until your older son, not untill your older
What the.. I'm old enough.
..and I can proof it.
you can proove nothing
O rly? Give me a chance to proove "something" then.
alright you have a chance
Okay Tell me what I must proove then.
you already have on msn O.o
Yeah right -__-
if you dont know then, LMFAO
Awesome music ;D Added you to favorite audio artist ;)
O_________O MG THX
i didnt understand a word of that, less key maps O.o
Meh, dude.. Just click the link. kk ;D