Looking forward to 'em! ~_^ I have plenty more, but i'll save them for after the one's I made already. XP
Ey ey, what's up .................... .................... ... krizyzone @ hotmail.com
Indie game developer
Lørenskog, Norway
Joined on 9/6/06
Looking forward to 'em! ~_^ I have plenty more, but i'll save them for after the one's I made already. XP
oh ye......right umm..
I will do something about that...
just wait :p
Happy birthday to... YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D
Thanks duuuuuuuuude :[)
ADULT!?!?!? suspicious Matt2k8 is watching you^^ lol joke happy Birthday!
Hey matt lol, I never actually saw your comment ^^
Thanks man.
Lol happy birthday!
And I have a challenge for you- If you've ever played Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, you'd know that its version of the song Catch me if You Can is F-ING AWESOME! I'd love to hear a remix of it. ~_^
And I haven't played SR: Zero Gravity :(
But it looks awesome. Maybe I should buy it.
I will anyways take a look at the song. But dude,
give me more challenges :D I will definitely make
a remix of a suggestion of yours some time.
Maybe tomorrow? xP